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时间:2013/5/9 14:46:12|点击数:




201366~7日·中国 昆明




主题:合作交流  共同发展


主办:  中国社会科学院


承办:  中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院

              星空体育(中国)官方网站,XINGKONG SPORT/云南省东南亚南亚研究院


协办:  中国和平发展基金会










201366~7日·中国 昆明






云南位于中国的西南边疆,与南亚和东南亚是近邻,具有独特的区位优势。历史上,云南就与南亚、东南亚国家保持了长期友好的往来。在今天,云南作为中国面向东南亚和南亚的重要门户,更是十分重视开展与包括南亚和东南亚在内的环印度洋地区各国开展合作。早在1999年中国和印度的智库机构就发起了孟中印缅地区经济合作论坛,至今已在四国召开过11届论坛会议。1993年首次召开的昆明进出口商品交易会和2007年开始举办的南亚国家商品展都为促进中国,特别是云南与南亚、东南亚各国的经济合作发挥了重要作用;而与南亚国家商品展同时举办的中国—南亚商务论坛更是为中国与南亚的经贸和人文合作搭建了重要平台。2010年在昆明举办了中国(云南)—印度合作论坛,2011年由中国国际问题研究所和星空体育(中国)官方网站,XINGKONG SPORT联合举办了“中国—南盟人文交流与合作”国际研讨会,这些交流活动都为形成一个机制化的智库对话平台打下了基础。经中国国务院批准,中国—南亚博览会即将于2013年在昆明拉开帷幕,这意味着中国与南亚和东南亚国家之间的交流将迈出更大的步伐。

中国—南亚国家智库论坛将作为中国—南亚博览会的系列活动之一,将于201366~7日与之同期举行。论坛由中国社会科学院和云南省政府主办,中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院、星空体育(中国)官方网站,XINGKONG SPORT/云南省东南亚南亚研究院、云南省对外文化交流协会承办,中国和南亚主要智库协办。






主题:合作交流 共同发展



1.            经贸合作与区域经济一体化


2.            区域互联互通


3.            国际人文交流















June 6th-7th 2013  Kunming, China



Enhance Exchange and Cooperation for Mutual Development


Hosted by

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Yunnan People’s Government


Undertaken by

National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences/Yunnan Academy of South and Southeast Asian Studies

Yunnan External Culture Communication Association

Yunnan Association for Cultural Exchanges with Foreign Countries


Co-hosted by

China Foundation for Peace and Development

China Institute of International Studies

China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

Shanghai Institutes for International Studies

Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

Institute for Chinese Studies New Delhi

Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad






June 6th-7th 2013  Kunming, China



Concept Note



Today the responsibility for good international relations is not only limited to the government, think-tanks are becoming increasingly influential, and sometimes even irreplaceable, for confidence building and improvement of mutual understanding among countries.  With the purpose of promoting friendly relations with neighbouring countries, deepening mutual understanding and trust between China and its neighbouring countries, we propose this dialogue on enhancing exchange and cooperation among the think-tanks in China and South and Southeast Asian countries, to give full play to the special role of think-tanks in promoting bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Located in the Southwest frontier of China and being a close neighbour with South and Southeast Asian countries, Yunnan has enjoyed friendly relation and extensive exchange with these countries.  Today, as China’s gateway open to South and Southeast Asia, Yunnan is attaching great importance to the cooperation with our neighbours.  As early as in 1999, the think-tank institutions of China and India initiated the Regional Economic Cooperation Forum among Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar.  Eleven conferences have been held in the four countries till date.  The Kunming Import and Export Trade Fair launched in 1993 and the South Asian Countries Trade Fair starting from 2007 played significant roles in Yunnan’s economic cooperation with South and Southeast Asian countries; and the China-South Asian Business Forum held simultaneously with South Asian Countries Trade Fair, set up a platform for China-South Asia economic cooperation and cultural exchange.  China (Yunnan)-India Cooperation Forum has been held in Kunming in 2010; and in 2011 China Institutes of International Studies and the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences jointly hosted the China-SAARC: Towards a Better Understanding through Enhanced People-to-people Exchanges for the formation of a mechanized think-tank dialogue platform.  The year of 2013 will witness the launching of China-South Asia Exposition in Kunming, which is a great step forward for the enhancement of people to people contacts among China, South and Southeast Asian countries.

As an important part of the China–South Asia Exposition, the China-South Asian Countries Think-Tank Forum will be held on 6th-7th June, 2013 in Kunming.  The Forum will be hosted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Yunnan People’s Government, undertaken by National Institute of International Strategy of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences/Yunnan Academy of South and Southeast Asian Studies, and Yunnan Association for Cultural Exchanges with Foreign Countries.  The Forum will be co-hosted by major think-tank institutions of China and South Asia.



This forum will be an attempt to encourage understanding among China and South Asian countries, explore the role for think-tanks in improving bilateral and multilateral relations; through people-to-people contacts to promote awareness and mutual understanding of the people of all the countries, and to promote cooperation in the field of economic, cultural and social development so that China and its neighbouring countries will maintain friendship from generation to generation eternally.



The theme of the forum is Enhance Exchange and Cooperation for Mutual Development in the fields of connectivity in the region and people-to-people contacts, particularly the role of think-tanks in international cooperation.  We hope this conference will be the beginning of a process towards the institutionalisation of the interaction among the think-tanks of China and their counterparts of neighbours, and optimise the role of think-tanks in enhancing bilateral and multilateral relation among China and South Asian countries.

The topics to be discussed include:

(1) Economic Cooperation and Regional Integration

China and South Asia are known for their vibrant economic growth.  Enhancing economic cooperation and promoting regional integration will be conducive to the maintenance of regional prosperity and stability.  In this session we will explore the pattern and fields of cooperation, and opportunities and challenges that we are facing.

(2) Regional Connectivity

The interconnection between China and South Asian countries is a vital factor for economic cooperation and people-to-people contacts.  In this session we shall discuss issues of common concerns on the improvement of transportation infrastructure as well as movement of people and goods.

(3) People–to-People Contacts

A strengthened people-to-people contacts helps the growth of affection and empathy which, in turn, promote friendship and mutual trust among nations.  In this session we will exchange views on how cultural exchange can improve relations among countries, and encourage regional cooperation, with particular focus on the role of think-tanks in enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations.


Eminent scholars from famous universities and research institutions who are influential in policy making, are invited to contribute their thoughts and views.  We shall be happy to provide local hospitality for all the participants.